Physical therapy at a

Shoulder luxation - dislocation.

A shoulder luxation is usually caused by a hard fall and is often accompanied by pain and unable to move. The diagnosis shoulder luxation can be stated using x-ray. When the shoulder head is dislocated, it is important that it be returned to its original position soon. After putting the shoulder follows a rehabilitation program under the supervision of a physical therapist. The physiotherapists at Fysiofitaal Tilburg work with you toward a prosperous recovery!

The shoulder consists of, among other things, a head and a socket. Unlike the hip, for example, the shoulder head is a lot larger than the shoulder socket. This allows for great mobility of the joint, but at the expense of stability. The labrum (a cartilage ring), the muscles and ligaments around the shoulder have the task of still providing the necessary stability to keep the shoulder head neatly in its socket. If this fails, it is often caused by a hard fall with an outstretched arm.

Physiotherapy for shoulder luxation Physio Fitaal Tilburg


The forces to be absorbed are then too great, causing the shoulder head to dislocate. Usually forward, this is in 95% of all cases. The shoulder head then comes to sit in front of the socket. The labrum in the shoulder slightly enlarges the socket so it still provides some protection. When your shoulder has really been dislocated, the labrum, together with the shoulder capsule, may have suffered a serious blow.


A shoulder luxation is often accompanied by severe pain. This makes it almost impossible to move the shoulder. As a reflex, the shoulder muscles tighten violently to still stabilize the shoulder as much as possible. The shifting of the shoulder head can cause a bulge to be seen in the shoulder and sometimes the head can be felt clearly at the front of the shoulder.

Physiotherapy for shoulder luxation Physio Fitaal Tilburg
Physiotherapy for shoulder luxation Physio Fitaal Tilburg

If acute shoulder luxation is suspected, the family physician will request a X-ray on. This shows which side the shoulder has shifted to and whether other structures have been damaged. Thus, such as the labrum, capsule and tendon tissue.

If you have experienced a shoulder luxation in the past we speak of a chronic instability. Here you may experience fear of the shoulder head dislocating. If the shoulder luxates regularly, further examination can be done using a MRI scan and an x-ray. The physical therapists of Fysiofitaal Tilburg can determine whether there is instability in the shoulder joint by means of a so-called pathology-specific test.

Chronic instability

Chronic instability can have several causes including hypermobility (more mobility in joints than normal). Hypermobility can allow for more mobility in ligaments and joints, thus giving less stability to the head of the shoulder. Therefore, this can cause a luxation to occur more quickly because the shoulder head has more room to move.

It is easy to test for hypermobility. The physical therapists at Fysiofitaal Tilburg can determine whether hypermobility is present through a cluster of physical tests.

However, chronic instability can also result from frequent luxation of the shoulder. If this is the case, it is sometimes necessary to remove the shoulder by means of a operation ensuring that the shoulder head gains more stability by tightening certain ligaments in the shoulder.


If you have an acute shoulder luxation, it is important that the shoulder head first be returned to its original position (reponate). Depending on the situation, muscle relaxant and/or pain relieving medication may be used. After the shoulder has been repositioned you will wear a sling for two to four weeks after which you will start a rehabilitation program. rehabilitation process. During the rehabilitation process, it is important to increase muscle strength and stability in the shoulder to prevent another luxation. Exactly how long the rehabilitation will take is difficult to say in advance. It depends on several factors. Physiotherapy is advised for 4 to 12 weeks in uncomplicated luxations. A exercise program under the guidance of a physical therapist can provide relief. Dhe physiotherapists at Fysiofitaal Tilburg offer you professional guidance during your rehabilitation and work with you toward a successful recovery!

Making an appointment

Ruben Luijkx

Owner Physio Vital
Physical therapist, MSC. Manuel therapy

With a solid foundation in scientific knowledge, Ruben combines the latest insights with his practical experience to ensure the best results. As owner of Physio Fitaal, Ruben has created a patient-centered environment that works with innovative techniques and a data-driven approach. Whether you are an elite athlete looking to return to the field or someone recovering from knee surgery, Ruben will guide you to a full recovery, with attention to your individual needs and goals.