Nape Pain and Neck Pain.

Fortunately, this form of neck pain is not serious and therefore often subsides within 6 weeks. Several symptoms may be present with this form of neck pain. We often see a combination of pain symptoms and stiffness. Treatment often consists of a combination of pain relief and exercise therapy. The physiotherapist will explain which treatment is best for you, discuss it with you and tailor it personally to your needs.


Nonspecific neck pain is the opposite of specific neck pain. Specific neck pain is a condition that can be diagnosed through imaging studies, for example. Examples include osteoarthritis or a herniated disc. As long as we cannot categorize neck pain into one of these specific forms of neck pain, we call the symptoms aspecific. This form of neck pain is not serious and therefore often subsides within 6 weeks. It is often difficult to pinpoint a clear cause. This can be many different things. If you suffer from neck pain, the physical therapist can certainly help you. It is often recommended to see a manual therapist because he or she is specialized in complaints related to the spine.

Neck complaints


In this form of neck pain, several symptoms may be present. Often we see a combination of pain and stiffness. It is also common for the neck to move less smoothly which can cause symptoms when driving a car, for example.


To diagnose nonspecific neck pain, the physical therapist begins the initial treatment by asking a series of questions. From these the physical therapist can gather information about your neck pain, this gives the physical therapist an idea of where the symptoms may be coming from. Then the physical therapist will do and number of tests and see if, for example, there is less mobility. The physical therapist will always inform you about where the complaints come from and discuss with you how best to treat it.



Treatment for this type of neck pain can vary. The treatment depends totally on what kind of symptoms are experienced. Often treatment consists of a combination of pain relief and practicetherapy. The physical therapist will explain which treatment is best for you and discuss it with you and coordinate it with you personally.

Are you suffering from neck pain or other symptoms that you have been struggling with for a while? Do not wait any longer and make an appointment now with one of our physiotherapists

Making an appointment

Ruben Luijkx

Owner Physio Vital
Physical therapist, MSC. Manuel therapy

With a solid foundation in scientific knowledge, Ruben combines the latest insights with his practical experience to ensure the best results. As owner of Physio Fitaal, Ruben has created a patient-centered environment that works with innovative techniques and a data-driven approach. Whether you are an elite athlete looking to return to the field or someone recovering from knee surgery, Ruben will guide you to a full recovery, with attention to your individual needs and goals.